Wow! Recommended by Word of Mouth

Word of Web Word of Mouth on the Web Word of Mouth on the Web - Sydney Reviewed and Recommended Recommended by Word of Mouth on the Web


Sydney weather forecasts, long range weather forecasts, weather radar, NSW forecasts and Sydney water reserves (dam levels)

Sydney's Weather. Weather to go out or stay in? Weather to believe the weather forecast or not?


Maybe you should just go for it. Check the links below and decide.


Sydney and NSW weather forecasts

Sydney Weather Forecast

NSW Weather Forecast

Five Day and long range Sydney Forecast


Where is the rain falling in Sydney?

Sydney Weather Radar - Is it raining - 128k around Sydney? If monitored this one can tell if its heading our way or how long any current rain is likely to last. Note it only shows rain (not clouds).



How much rain has fallen in Sydney?

Sydney Weather now - Weather stations around Sydney - what has happened / is happening


Sydney Water Reserves

The seemingly ever present rain around Sydney has lifted our water reserves to around 100% of capacity. 'Experts' say this unusually wet weather will not last. Greenies say its our own fault for burning so much coal and petrol. The pollies laugh about our shiny desalination plant which, even if we ever need it, will produce even more greenhouse gases regardless of the rain. Mad world or maybe just dumb politicians.

More on Sydney Weather and Climate.


Sydney Water Reserves - Raining? Check to see it's been falling in the right places. Sydney dam levels.

How much rain has fallen in the Sydney Catchment area? Click the link below for the latest twenty four hours rainfall, detailed analysis and hourly stats from Mittagong in the centre of Sydney's Catchment area.

Sydney Catchment Rainfall

Analysis of Sydney Dam Level - (Thanks to I Live In Sydney)

Rainfall at Mittagong - middle of Sydney's water catchment area (updated hourly)

For general information Sydney Weather and Climate.

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